Blake Lively jetted in to Los Angeles for the Spike TV Scream 2010 awards on the weekend. The Gossip Girl actress, who’s done some really hot things such as go to jail in nothing but her bra, that photo shoot for Allure magazine and shoot a dog in the head (no, really, this was very cute), further improved a ceremony that also featured a tribute to the end of Lost, the premiere footage from Scream 4, a 25th anniversary nod to Back to the Future and a musical performance by M.I.A.. Bloody hell that was a long sentence. Ugh.

Blake Lively, who does a really good job of playing a cokey, slutty skank in excellent heist thriller The Town, is quickly becoming an FHM.com favourite. To start with, her killer pins always look tanned and springy, like she could deftly avoid a road traffic accident heading her way just by shuffling her feet and doing a skippy little move on the sidewalk, thereby sidestepping a career-stalling injury and a massive pain-in-the-arse lawsuit. She’s just got a natural athleticism that doesn’t come from the gym - Lively doesn’t bother - it comes from having really good genes and being a rich, happy, diets-are-for-losers-just-order-me-a-hamburger-and-a-strawberry-milkshake-dahlin'-and-after-we’ll-go-back-to-my-condo-and-have-loads-of-really-athletic-sex-and-watch-a-movie-all-American-woman.

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