unfortunately it's still that time of year. Fashion Weeks. Makes you shudder, doesn't it? Put together a bunch of nobodies, wannabes, has-beens and creepy old guys with scarily thin, waxwork faces and you've pretty much got the key ingredients for a successful show. Now crank up the heat to 200C for 45 minutes and you'll have a viscous, colourful liquid perfect for pasting your walls with. Wait. Stop. Before you do that, we forgot there are some redeeming features to this conglomeration of featherweight clothes nags. Bootiful laydees. Well, actually very few of them have what you could call a booty per-se, but they do tend to attract a good number of that dying breed of womanhood, the English rose. And Keira, if nothing else (though she wasn't bad in Atonement), is our case in point.
Think she looks slightly different? If so, you win a rubber ducky, because the more perceptive among you will have noticed that she's lopped off a good part of her barnet in favour of a new chestnut bob. Don't worry, you'll get the chance to vote on whether you love it or not at the bottom of the page. We really hope you didn't just scroll down then. Times are hard, yes, but we hope never to stoop that low. Anyway, she unveiled her new look at the Chanel show, but denied rumours that it was for a new movie role. Of course not, Keira. You did it so that nobody would notice you.
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