1. “What are you having for dinner tonight, Josh?”
2. “If this [orange vuvuzela] was constantly attached to me, would you still be my friend?”
3. “Does anyone know how to print on headed paper?”
4. “Is Tom in today?”
“I’m not sure; his Tupperware is empty…”
5. “Do you think we should make that bit a bit bigger?”
6. “If Hot Chip was your boyfriend, what would be your favourite sexual position?”
7. “Josh, when was the last time you ate a pear?”
8. “What the hell is going on with Lindsay Lohan?”
The answers, for your delectation, were thus:
1. Josh had chicken fajitas. And enjoyed them very much indeed, thank you.
2. Yes. In fact, we’d probably like you more.
3. No. They don’t.
4. Tom was coming in. He was just running a bit late because he was singing ‘Born To Be Wild’ at 3am in a karaoke bar he can’t remember the name or location of. He does remember eating some prawn rolls, though.
5. Yes. If in doubt, always go BIG.
6. No answer. Josh deemed one raised eyebrow an adequate response.
7. Josh hasn’t had a pear for a long time. But he did eat a pomegranate a few months ago on holiday.
8. [And, the actual point of this story…] THIS is what’s been going on with Lindsay Lohan:

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