For the purposes of entertainment and enjoyable fantasy, let’s pretend Hilary Duff is regaling us with an enjoyable monologue of her life in the last few days.
For the purposes of avoiding any legal action or risking annoying Hilary Duff (we don’t want to do that – we’re nice here), let’s be clear that Hilary Duff is not in fact regaling us with an enjoyable monologue of her life in the last few days. Rather, we’re just making it all up.
Mental, eh?
I finally jumped aboard the twitter express on Sunday, destination “share every inane minutiae of my life with hundreds of thousands of sado’s with nothing better to do than retweet drivel about what I had for breakfast”. I’m loving it so far. Lol.
I had a hard time finding a suitable twitter name – it seems there are a lot of Hilary Duffs out there! Lol.
I’m happier than Yogi Bear at the annual picnic convention at the moment, having married ice hockey star Mike Comrie on August 14. Those of you living in Britain probably won’t know who he is. But I do, ‘coz he’s my husband and that. Lol.
I’m bloody brilliant sometimes. I’ve found time between acting and singing and modelling and all that jazz (didn’t you know I did jazz?) to write a book. It’s called Elixir. I wrote a book, so it goes to show that anyone can write a book if they have an idea. Although I guess really you also need to have a pen and paper, or a computer, or a tattoo pen and LOADS of skin. Something to write on, basically. Lols.

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