Do not adjust your computers, what you are about to read is entirely accurate. Scarlett Johansson is 25-years-old. Just 25, a mere quarter century. The New York born beauty is phenomenally successful. Her movie career allows her to kill time doing things like these Mango adverts, where she looks really, really pretty. They’re the kind of photos that make you want to smell them just so you can find out what Ryan Reynolds wakes up to every morning. Okay we’re getting odd now, but that’s the kind of fervour ScarJo creates. Her combination of actual acting chops and famously hour-glass figure mean that she’s sought after by just about everyone. Directors and ad men fall at her perfectly manicured feet in bid to pursued her to act or model for their project.

And with the announcement of The Avengers, Johansson’s star is set to rise even higher. Like a tall building, or hot air balloon or buzzard or Kestrel. ScarJo plays Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow, a pvc clad super agent who works for SHIELD like a kind of handler for all the mental super heroes. FHM is skeptical about this film. The idea of pulling together several story lines from the like of The Hulk and Iron Man, to several heroes who’s individual films haven’t yet come out like Captain America, Thor and Hawkeye, is a difficult one. But if anyone can do it, Buffy the Vampire Slayers Joss Whedon can. He will also be under strict instruction to keep Johansson in her leather cat suit for the majority of the film. Here's a gallery of her last campaign for Mango, y'know, for old times sake.

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