Looking best at last night's Inside Soap Awards was Claire Cooper, who plays Jacqui McQueen in Hollyoaks. In the soap she always looks a bit hard and like she could definitely beat us up. Off-screen she looks loads better. Last night, for example, she looks like a sophisticated French lady. Haw-hee-haw.
Claire Cooper at the Inside Soap Awards
Bronaugh Waugh, who plays Cheryl Brady, adopted a 'play to your strengths' look. Good lord.
Bronagh Waugh at the Inside Soap Awards
Loui Batley, who was in Hollyoaks as the one who fell out of a plane and splatted all across the ground, leading to a really drawn out and really boring plotline, came as a slutty Victorian school teacher.
Loui Batley at the Inside Soap Awards
Carley Stenson, who plays Steph and suddenly appears to have an entirely new face – Ashley Simpson's face, to be exact – turned up just looking plain mental.

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