Victoria Beckham must be regretting a youth spent in hollow frivolity. Strutting around on stage whilst pretending to be singing is not an easy way to make a living. Though she did make about a gazillion pounds in the process, so she can't be hurting too much. Anyway, she was at the Women's Conference in California yesterday night, hoping to pick up a few tips from the numerous political heavyweights present. The array of luminaries included former First Lady Laura Bush (don't worry, the dog was babysitting George), Our Holy Saviour Oprah Winfrey, current First Lady Michelle Obama (don't worry, the President was sorting out the economy), and, of course, the greatest politician of all time, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The whole Beckham clan was also in tow, with Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz bedecked in Justin Bieber gear from a concert they attended the night before. Supposedly, David, always on the lookout for a new image, also wanted to get kitted out Bieber-style, but they couldn't find any trousers that were long enough. Also at the conference was Jessica Simpson, who, on being told that this was not a basketball game, pointed to Governor Schwarzenegger and said,"But doesn't he play for the Lakers?" OK. We fibbed. That didn't really happen. But we wouldn't underestimate the power of the Jessica Simpson intellect.
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